Astrophysics Profile
A new way of precisely measuring giant black holes' masses to understand their impact on galaxies' star formation rates
Sep 24, 2019
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Astrophysics Profile
A new way of precisely measuring giant black holes' masses to understand their impact on galaxies' star formation rates
Sep 24, 2019
Astrophysics Research Highlights
New discoveries roll in, while even newer ones look to be just around the bend
Sep 05, 2019
Astrophysics Profile
As Earth's premier hunter of gravitational waves, LIGO is making a killing
Aug 12, 2019
Astrophysics Research Highlights
A batch of new findings remind us that despite how much we seem to know, there is much we don't
Aug 05, 2019
Astrophysics Profile
Scientists aren't sure, and all of cosmic history depends on it
Jul 16, 2019
Astrophysics Research Highlights
Astrophysically speaking, Yoda was wrong when he said "size matters not"
Jul 08, 2019