Three cells from cortical layer 2/3 of a P36 male mouse (visual area), imaged at 3.58 x 3.58 x 40 nm resolution. Image credit:


What is the molecular basis of cognition? How do we observe and measure the brain? How do cells in the brain respond to change? Using the latest tools, techniques and approaches, scientists are generating new knowledge about the brain at many levels – from single cells and circuits to the whole brain. Their efforts are shedding light on how brains develop and change over time, and simultaneously unraveling the processes that underlie memory, behavior and more.

Neurobiology and Changing Ecosystems

Exploring mechanisms underlying resilience of neural systems in the face of accelerated environmental change
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Open Data in Neuroscience

Advancing research in neuroscience through innovative efforts that address the opportunities and challenges of this dynamic field
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Observe and Measure the Mind

Supporting efforts that accelerate basic research in neuroscience

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Kavli Institutes


We partner with organizations globally to shape and accelerate the future of neuroscience.

The Kavli Prize in Neuroscience

The Kavli Prize in Neuroscience is awarded for outstanding achievement in advancing our knowledge and understanding of the brain and nervous system, including molecular neuroscience, cellular neuroscience, systems neuroscience, neurogenetics, developmental neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and related facets of the brain and nervous system.

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Neuroscience is the science of the brain. The brain itself is the most complex and the most advanced product of nature and basic to the very existence of the human being.

- Fred Kavli