Observe and Measure the Mind

To advance research in neuroscience, we catalyze and enable efforts to address the opportunities and challenges of this dynamic field.

Scialog: Molecular Basis of Cognition

Short for “science + dialogue,” Scialog from the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement accelerates science through research, dialogue, and community. The Kavli Foundation participates as part of the funders collective to support innovative research.

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Sculpted Light in the Brain

The Kavli Innovation Grant, inspired by the Sculpted Light in the Brain conference, supports scientists developing and utilizing new neuroscientific methods that rely on photonic technologies.
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U.S. BRAIN Initiative

The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative aims to advance the science and technologies needed to unlock the mysteries of the human brain. The Kavli Foundation and its partners were instrumental in the development of this initiative.

Explore the latest news, events, and discoveries from our Observe and Measure the Mind program.