NAS Fred Kavli Endowment Fund
In 2017, The Kavli Foundation provided $10.5 million to the National Academy of Sciences to establish the Fred Kavli Endowment Fund, and in recognition of Fred Kavli’s generous and unwavering support for science, the auditorium of the historic National Academy of Sciences Building was renamed the Fred Kavli Auditorium. A portrait of Fred Kavli and a commemorative plaque were unveiled at the 2017 NAS annual meeting.

“Fred Kavli had an insatiable curiosity about the world around him that underscored his appreciation and support of science and basic research,” said Rockell Hankin, Chairman of The Kavli Foundation and Kavli’s friend and associate for 40 years. “This gift aligns strongly with our Foundation’s mission because it will give the National Academy of Sciences broad discretion in recognizing and promoting outstanding science for the betterment of the nation and the world.”