2022 Research Highlights from Kavli Institutes

Remarkable basic research in astrophysics, theoretical physics, nanoscience, and neuroscience

At the 20 Kavli Institutes around the world, scientists explore the boundaries of our knowledge in astrophysics, theoretical physics, nanoscience, and neuroscience. As 2022 draws to a close, we share research highlights from these institutes to illustrate the remarkable basic research happening within these fields.

The highlights below are but a small sampling of the work done at the Kavli Institutes, where hundreds of researchers work tirelessly to expand our knowledge in these exciting and dynamic fields. We invite you to explore our monthly research highlights, and delve deeper into the science by visiting the institutes' websites.

Rendering of the Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations courtesy of Christian Miki at the University of Hawaii


Artist Ella Marushenko’s interpretation of the Josephson Diode effect. The image shows a computer chip made from a few layers of atoms (blue and white spheres) comprising the Josephson Diode. The green pairs of spheres represent superconducting pairs of electrons moving in one direction, while the orange spheres represent normal conducting single electrons moving in the opposite direction across the Josephson Diode.


Weijan Zong holds the Mini2P, a miniature 2-photon miniscope for large-scale calcium imaging in freely moving mice.

