Explore the Gaps
A Closer Look at the Kavli Foundation’s Neuroscience Grantmaking

Kavli Foundation Director of Life Sciences Amy Bernard recently spoke with reporter Mike Scutari of Inside Philanthropy about the foundation’s support for basic research in neuroscience. Dr. Bernard discusses the importance of basic science, current and future work of the foundation in neuroscience, and the mysteries of the brain.
“The brain is the most complex system known to humankind,” stated Bernard. “We still don’t have a system of understanding the brain as an organ like the way we do a kidney or a lung. We’re trying to address and explore the gaps in terms of what we know about the fundamental human brain structure — what it’s made of and how it functions — and then getting to a scientifically driven, well-clarified understanding of causative agents in disease, as well as how the brain thinks.”
The full story is available for subscribers at Inside Philanthropy.