Hirosi Ooguri
Former Director, Kavli IPMU, and Fred Kavli Chair in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics

Finishing a graduate school in two years, Ooguri became a tenured faculty member of the University of Tokyo in 1986. After faculty positions in Chicago, Kyoto, and Berkeley, he has been the Fred Kavli Professor and Director of the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics at Caltech. In 2019, he became Director of the Kavli IPMU in Tokyo. He was also President of Aspen Center for Physics until 2019. He received Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon from the Emperor of Japan, Eisenbud Prize from the American Mathematical Society, Simons Investigator Award, Hamburg Prize, Humboldt Award, and the Nishina Prize. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His popular science books have sold over a quarter million copies in Japan, and one of them was awarded Kodansha Prize for Science Books. He also supervised a science movie, which was selected for Best Educational Production Award from the International Planetarium Society and has been translated into six languages.
Theoretical Physics Profile
A future satellite will measure polarization within cosmic microwave background radiation
Apr 28, 2020
Theoretical Physics Profile
Kavli IPMU probes the universe for signs of dark matter and dark energy
Mar 19, 2020
Theoretical Physics Profile
Theoretical physicist Hirosi Ooguri is working to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics
Feb 18, 2020
Science Spotlights
The Institute will probe the biggest mysteries in modern cosmology
Feb 06, 2012
Nov 18, 2009
Jan 08, 2008
Theoretical Physics
Jun 18, 2007