Kavli ScholarVladyslav Kim

After earning his bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of New York in Prague, Vladyslav Kim planned to return home to Ukraine, but Russia invaded days before his scheduled trip.
Unable to return home to be with his family, Kim moved to England and earned a master’s degree in cognitive neuroscience at the University of York, with the aid of the Equal Access Ukraine Scholarship. When thinking about what he could do next to advance his career in neuroscience, he reached out to Vladyslav Vyazovskiy, a member of the Kavli Nanoscience Discovery Institute at the University of Oxford. Vyazovskiy, a leader in the field of sleep physiology, encouraged Kim to apply for the Kavli Scholarship.
Now as a member Vyazovskiy’s lab, Kim is interested in exploring the connection between time perception and sleep homeostasis, drawing on his background both in psychology and cognitive neuroscience.