This is an image of experimentally measured superfluid flow around an Abrikosov vortex in a superconductor NbSe2. Credit: Xiaolong Liu, Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science

Frontiers of Quantum Materials

Exploring the novelty, potential and unexpected behaviors that arise from quantum interactions

The study of materials at the nanometer scale pushes the boundaries of knowledge. Through a deeper understanding of the electronic, optical, and mechanical phenomena that arise when atoms combine into novel structures and materials, new applications in energy, medicine and information science may be discovered.

Learn more about projects the foundation has funded.

Kavli Exploration Award

International research team awarded multi-million-dollar funding to develop and test next-generation superconductors through artificial intelligence and quantum geometry.

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Kavli Institute Innovation Award

Quantum Transduction: physicists and biophysicists search for missing link between quantum computing, sensing and communication

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