Octahedron fractal lattice. Image Credit: Julia Greer, Kavli Nanoscience Institute, Caltech


How can basic research in nanoscience contribute to our sustainable future? What innovations drive advances in quantum materials? How might insights from biological systems shape new nanoscience discoveries? Scientists are exploring new directions to learn how energy and matter behave at the scale of atoms, molecules, and nanostructures. The Kavli Foundation supports new research exploring the properties of materials, energy pathways, nanomachines and quantum phenomena.

Nanoscience for Sustainability

Unlocking technologies of the future through innovation in materials research
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Frontiers of Quantum Materials

Exploring the novelty, potential and unexpected behaviors that arise from quantum interactions
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Kavli Institutes


We support initiatives and pursue partnerships that advance science and help science and society move forward together.

The Kavli Prize in Nanoscience

The Kavli Prize in Nanoscience is awarded for outstanding achievement in the science and application of the unique physical, chemical and biological properties of atomic, molecular, macromolecular, and cellular structures and systems that are manifest in the nanometer scale, including molecular self-assembly, nanomaterials, nanoscale instrumentation, nanobiotechnology, macromolecular synthesis, molecular mechanics and related topics.

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Nanoscience deals with the smallest building blocks in nature and will enable us to make new materials and tools, leading an ever-accelerating journey of technological progress.

- Fred Kavli