Astrophysics Research Highlights
While ultra-numerous and there for the taking observationally, galaxies have so far resisted attempts to squarely and comprehensively describe their origins and behaviors
Apr 01, 2021
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Astrophysics Research Highlights
While ultra-numerous and there for the taking observationally, galaxies have so far resisted attempts to squarely and comprehensively describe their origins and behaviors
Apr 01, 2021
Astrophysics Profile
A Kavli Institute-affiliated researcher takes us behind the scenes of the decades-long mission to overturn established physics by proving that protons can in fact die
Mar 18, 2021
Astrophysics Research Highlights
Science is a journey toward an ever-deeper understanding of it all
Feb 28, 2021
Astrophysics Research Highlights
Far from a one-trick pony, light can be innovatively harnessed in its myriad forms and conveyances to reveal the integrated facets of reality
Feb 04, 2021
Astrophysics Profile
KIPAC researchers study whirling stelar cinders for unique insights into matter pushed to the edge
Feb 01, 2021
Astrophysics Profile
A mission concept in development and led by members of the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics would put a balloon high above Antarctica to spy hyperenergetic neutrinos striking the ice
Jan 22, 2021